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Which Translation Technology Tools are a MUST?

Which Translation Technology Tools are a MUST?

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Whether you are handling a simple one-page translation or entire website localization, you are going to require sophisticated technology or tools to carry out a successful translation. But which ones are necessities? Many tools are used in conjunction while others aren’t used at all by some– it all depends on the project requirements, after all.
In this article, we will present the translation technology tools that are a MUST in the translation and localization process…

Translation Management Systems

Running multiple projects at once and struggling to keep them organized? I can imagine you’re looking a lot like this right now:

Translation Management Systems

When you notice that the projects are piling up and Excel or Word isn’t keeping your work life on track, it’s time to turn to more sophisticated technology like a Translation Management System – also known as a TMS.

What is a TMS?

Translation Management Systems are tools used for high volume, large and complicated projects. This tool which is a necessity in the translation process allows you to manage, track and automate all tasks in a clear, concise and organized manner.

A TMS can be accessed by project managers, translators, proofreaders, editors and any other team member including clients, too. For instance, clients can submit their projects, track their progress and download the finished files upon completion.

Stay Organized

Acting as the core tool for all language service providers, a TMS will help linguists, PMs and clients keep tabs on pending and processing projects as well as ensure that they are on schedule. It’s also handy in that you can assign projects to specific members.

Easy Communication

Most importantly, a TMS allows for quick and easy communication. Reduce the need to send requests and jobs via email, have all communication recorded and keep an eye of all details of the project such as deadlines, assignees and attached files. This is a management tool that makes the workflow a lot easier.

Less Hassle

Tired of sending and receiving files from your clients? A TMS makes life easier for you by avoiding the need to perform manual file transfers. No more time wasted, less stress and
lower costs!

Stay Updated

Most important to managers, a TMS offers detailed reporting of how much work has been done, the money spent and any other important data. It also handles quotes and invoices and ultimately helps businesses make more informed decisions.

No Time Wasted

Most TMS allow API integration with your CMS (content management system) to transfer translated content to and from your website, making the process easier and eliminating that outdated and tiring procedure of copy/paste.

Translation Memory Tool

Why struggle to remember a translation for a specific word when you have a system to do it for you?

Translation Memory

Translation Memory is an incredibly useful tool when wanting to increase quality and productivity. We’re sure you’ve heard a lot about it in the lingual world so let’s cut to the chase.

What exactly is a Translation Memory?

TM is a kind of database which stores all repeated words, phrases and sentences to be used at a later stage for another project. This glossary of words or sentences can be used in real-time, making the workflow more streamlined and efficient. For example, when a segment is repeated, your CAT tool (more on that later) will identify the previously translated words and automatically carry them over to your new content. This way, the translator doesn’t have to do the same work repeatedly.

It saves the translator time and ensures brand consistency for the client. Terminology and fragments that are commonly used are stored for each client, so they can be used again in the future. For example, if there is new information added to a website or platform translation, the linguist can see what was previously translated and ensure that the right style and terminology is continuously used. This helps reduce errors and translation mistakes and it also reduces expenses.
When you have several, ongoing projects, it’s almost a prerequisite that you use TM tools.

Computer-Aided Translation (CAT Software)

Just to make things simpler for you – we’re talking about a CAT tool here. No, not the kind you’re visualizing. This is something a lot more useful and practical for your localization process.

CAT Software

A CAT tool is software that allows for more productivity and efficiency for translators. It provides a user-friendly platform where they can perform their work in a faster and more accurate way. This is where linguists can write, edit and manage a translation. The system will organize and filter segments of text, displaying both the source and target content, making it a brilliant organizational tool for translators.
As it is integrated with Translation Memory, CAT technology identifies any previously translated terms in the source text and enables linguists to insert these repeated words or phrases into the translation and edit them as they please. The system will also present information on repeated words such as definition, context, an image and whether it should remain in its source language or not.
The software accepts a variety of files including .xliff, .xml, .json and .csv. A significant function of this tool is its ability to analyze the file uploaded and extract the text only. It will hide any codes or other content that needn’t be translated, providing a clearer view for the translator. The final result will always be delivered in the same file format, keeping the code, layout, fonts, styling and overall appearance intact.
In cases where there are time constraints, CAT tools can save a lot of time, allowing the linguist to produce timely work.

Quality Assurance Tool

At the end of the day, we all want to produce a translation that is of top quality. While the translator may be self-assured and convinced that their work is accurate, it’s still a good idea to have the text either:

a. Proofread by an additional linguist
b. Checked by a Quality Assurance tool
c. Both
A Translation Quality Assurance tool (TQA) is software that detects errors and inaccuracies in a translation. It will compare the source files with the end result to ensure that there are no mistakes in terminology (according to the glossary), spelling mistakes, number formatting, punctuation or double spacing. It also checks that segments have been accurately translated
and it will detect any content that may have been missed.
To improve quality, translation companies will either turn to human or technological resources. Whatever the case, it’s extremely important that your work gets a read-over before you deliver it to the client. This way, you will ensure accuracy, quality and precision in your work.
A professional translation company will invest in good localization technology, especially as the company grows and projects become loaded. It’s important to avoid using free online tools as they will almost certainly lead to disastrous and wrong translations. Using professional tools will not only ensure you of a quality translation, they also promise to make the workflow a lot quicker, efficient and productive.
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2 responses to “Which Translation Technology Tools are a MUST?”

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